Our How & Why
In 2019, I had the opportunity to travel to southern India for a month to work with Invisible Girl Project. While I was there, I met hundreds of girls whose lives had been changed through the work of Invisible Girl Project. I heard story after story of rescue, intervention, care, and empowerment through education
When I returned to the U.S. later that summer, I knew that I wanted to continue to use my voice and actions to raise awareness and support IGP, but I wasn't sure how. I began working with polymer clay in 2019 and fell in love with the craft, but had no intentions of selling anything I was making.
When the IGP team went to India in January of 2020, I committed to pray for them daily. One morning after I finished praying for the team, I opened my Bible and began reading in the Psalms. As I was reading and meditating over the scripture, I was captivated by Psalm 146:5-9,

I wept. I was thinking of the countless fatherless girls who I met and the widows who had the very difficult decision of whether or not to pawn their daughter off for marriage in order to alleviate the "burden" of having another mouth to feed. Some would choose to discontinue education for their daughters and force them to work in the fields for less than a day's wage. I was burdened for the girls who were oppressed; who seemingly had no way out and felt like their life didn't matter.
It was that morning in January that 146 Designs was born. I knew that I could use my gifts and talents to raise awareness and monetary support for those who are marginalized and oppressed in India.
Since May of 2020, 146 Designs has donated thousands of dollars to Invisible Girl Project!
Get involved
Interesterd in learning more or getting involved with the Invisible Girl Project? Click the link below to see check their website and all the wonderful work they do.